I was loaned this book by my counselor as I have been struggling with a mind on full speed constantly. I have thought of doing meditation for a long time but I haven’t had the discipline to stick with it or form habits. I think it would help me to calm my mind and not let it spiral out of control. My brain is constantly full of moving thoughts throughout the day and it is not helpful. I ruminate on negative thoughts about myself and others. I conjecture. I invent conversations. I ascribe meaning without knowing.
One thing that I have always struggled with when reading self-help books is that a lot forget to start at Step 0. They go right to “work towards your goals” and “find something dealing with your passion” but they never address the precursor. How does one figure out what they are passionate about or what their values are? That is something I have always found frustrating and this book somewhat addressed this concern. It didn’t speak to it head on but I think skirted around it. With the techniques discussed throughout the book I think one could start to learn to understand oneself.
This book helps explain the benefits of mediation as well communication, kindness, and empathy. Throughout the entire time I was reading I was thinking that I would love to be able to train my mind in all the topics covered. I think it would benefit me greatly and I would be less stressed, bitter, angry, and depressed. It will take some time and work but it will be beneficial. And not just for me but for everyone I interact with. My friends. My co-workers. Strangers.
Chade-Meng Tan wrote is such a way that was relatable, and I was engaged while reading. It threw in humor and real-life examples. It was a little overwhelming with all the things to work on but it provides something to work towards if one wants to improve themselves. It is a valiant and worthy goal for anyone to endeavor. It was based on a course within Google so it definitely has a corporate tint but the approach is from an individual level. It can apply equally as well to a person, family, team, or company. His goal is a noble one.
I have started with short mediation sessions the last few days and I hope to continue with it. I will pursue greater understanding and knowledge regarding these topics. I will get more comfortable with it and learn to calm my mind. I will learn not to let my emotions rule me and to give people the benefit of the doubt. I know I am starting late in life but I really hope to take what I have learned and apply it in my everyday life.
I read the loaned copy but I ended up buying my own. I think this will be a good book to have around to reference whenever you need a refresher but for me especially, to learn and stick with it. I highly recommend giving it a try and like it is said in the book, work towards world peace. As of now I am just trying to work towards my own happiness but it is a place to start.